Thursday, July 11, 2013

Conference Do's and Don'ts

With less than three weeks until the conference, ELC and Staff are being asked a lot of really important questions. We decided it would be best to break it down for you so that everyone gets the info they need in one easy place. Covering every thing from your packing list to falling in conference love, you don’t want to miss these Do’s and Don’ts for ISLC 2013:

DO: Have a Positive Attitude and Branch Out
This is a week that could change your life if you let it. There is nothing that could make this bad unless you tried. As Wade would say “put your butt on the line.” Be yourself and make friends. If you put in just a little bit of effort, you’ll see that everyone is there for two reasons 1. To learn how to make a difference and 2. Make new friends. For some people it may be a little scary to put them selves out there, but ISLC is the safest place to do it.

With all of that said…

 DON’T: Bring Your Parents
We know that for some of you, this may be your first time spending a week away from your rents. However, if you start feeling homesick spend your time getting involved at the conference, not trying to get ahold of your mom or dad. If the situation is reversed, and your parents are nervous about the week and trying to get in touch with you non-stop tell them another Operation Smile motto “No news in good news”. You are going to be SUPER busy during the week, and may not have time to call home every night. It just means you’re having the ultimate conference experience!

Do: Make A Lot of Memories
Take pictures. Tons of pictures! At Iparty, at team games, at final party. They are great way to remember your friends, especially the friends you’ll make from foreign countries. Take them with any of the speakers you might get to meet after their presentations. You won’t want to forget a minute of the conference.


DON’T: Be Attached to Your Phone
Do not be taking these pictures during the presentation. And especially do not be on your phone during the speakers. These people have traveled far to come tell you important stories and inspire you on your personal journey of making a difference. You DO NOT want to be that kid whose phone goes off playing “Come and Get It” in a dead silent room, because that would be rude, and a tad awkward.

Do: Get Close with Your Team
Everyone on your team has a different background. There is wealth of knowledge and inspiration that you could gain from just getting to know the people that you’ll  be spending most of your time with that week anyways. You could make some best friends by just taking the time to hear another teammates story. Also get to know your ELC. They have been where you are and know any of the struggles you might be having. After the conference, they could be a great resource for help with your club or region. Put yourselves out there and you could make some connections that lead to important relationships in your life or a long time after.


DON’T: Fall in Conference Love
Falling in conference love not only breaks the big 5, but has been to known to break a few hearts. This week is not about finding Mr. or Mrs. Perfect, its about learning how to make a difference. 4 days does not a relationship make. We encourage you to fall in love with Operation Smile and with ISLC, just don’t fall in love with each other.

We couldn’t be more excited to meet all of you just a short time from now. We hope this list clarifies some of the big questions you may have wanted to ask but were nervous too. If you ever have any other questions, your ELC would LOVE to hear from you. Just 19 days to go! Are you ready to Changeforever?

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