Welcome to the ISLC 2013 blog! With just 40 days to go until the conference, I hope everyone is just as excited as all the Student Programs staff are. Today's blog is a quick reminder of why we are involved with Operation Smile; to make a change in the lives of the children we work with. Two years ago, Operation Smile sent a team to Fortaleza, Brazil where they met Talita. Talita may have been young, but for many she was the highlight of the trip. Even before surgery, her smile was contagious. Dr. Chong, her surgeon, described the Talita's reaction to her surgery:
"She was sitting in her chair. Bright. Content. Wondering what the world would
bring her that day, seemingly oblivious of what had happened the day before
.And what a lovely surprise would come her way. As the video camera I was holding
turned and a pretty little girl smiled back, her big brown eyes said it all: "Hey, is that me?"
The answer to her prayers. Her coin in the wishing well. Her dream fulfilled. I LOVED sharing
that day with her. And I loved sharing it with the millions of people who viewed her story on YouTube."
However, Operation Smile's work was not yet done. They returned to Fortaleza a year ago to fix the open palate in Talita's mouth, which was impairing her speech. The surgery was completed and once again Talita's world was transformed. She will finally be able to get the education and life she has dreamed of. Below is the video of Talita's transformation and her reuion with the doctors who helped change her life forever. http://www.operationsmile.org/talita
Help share this inspiring video by posting it to your facebook and twitter and making all your friends and family watch this amazing little girl!
Dr. Chong, in reference to his experience with Talita, expressed that "Perhaps that in an increasingly mad world, her story is a ray of hope that there is no greater purpose than helping one another." Operation Smile could not help children like her if it was not for dedicated students and volunteers like all of you. You all have the ability to take what you know and what you are good at and make a positive difference in this world. At ISLC, you will hear from speakers and leaders who we hope will inspire you to turn your passions into action and make the dreams of others into reality.
We are confident that after your week at ISLC 2013, you will be ready to help Operation Smile Changeforever.
Don't forget to follow us on twitter @ISLC_2013
See you all soon!
Student Programs
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